ESG Future Talents Contest
未來人才競賽 2023

We believe ESG (environmental protection, social responsibility, governance) has an essential impact on the development of an organization, and international investors are as well very concerned about the ESG qualifications of the new generation of talents. The implementation of ESG in the local academic circles can reflect the comprehensive strength of each school, the quality of campus life of students, and room for their growth.
我們相信 ESG(環保、社會責任、企業管治)對機構的發展有重要影響,國際投資者亦非常關注新世代人才的 ESG 資歷。本地學界的 ESG 實施情況,可反映每校的綜合實力、學生的校園生活質素與及成長空間。

We have organized this activity to promote the cultivation of future ESG talents among schools.
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