Ms. Karen Hai Yun ZHANG

張海雲小姐是一名特許會計師,並於依碼準經濟信息有限公司(EMED) 工作,同時她亦是澳洲及紐西蘭特許會計師公會和香港會計師公會的成員。作為極簡主義者及兩個男孩的母親,張小姐在各個方面都為環境保護做出了貢獻,同時為兒子樹立環保意識並開展環保教育。

Karen is a Chartered Accountant and works for Emerging Markets Economic Data Limited (EMED). She is a member of CA ANZ and HKICPA. She has contributed to environmental protection in every aspect and is a supporter of minimalism. Being a two-boy mom, Karen loves to foster environmental consciousness and develop environmental education among the following generations.