Mr. Lawrence Yun Chi LEE

李勇治先生擁有工商管理碩士學位 (MBA),並且是香港會計師公會 (FCPA)、香港稅務學會 (FTIHK)、國際會計師協會(FAIA)、註冊財務策畫師協會 (HKRFP) 的資深會員,同時是香港財務顧問協會 (HKAFA) 及中國內部審計師協會 (ACIA) 的會員。李先生曾在銀行、商業和製造業領域從事不同工作多達四十多年,他亦曾擔任一家著名食品集團的高級執行董事。其後,李先生於1997年成立了金發(香港)發展有限公司,成為了冷凍加工食品及食品安全的企業家及專家。同時,李先生在管理、會計、財務、產品開發、國際銷售和市場營銷方面擁有豐富的背景和經驗。

Lawrence Lee founded GOLDFIT Group in 1997 and is a pioneer and entrepreneur in developing frozen processed food, cold chain and food safety solutions. Mr. Lee has a diverse background and experience in management, accounting, financing, product development, international sales and marketing.  He has been working in banking, commercial and manufacturing fields for over 40 years.  Prior to the founding of Goldfit, Mr. Lee had been a Senior Executive Director of a renowned food products group. Mr. Lee holds a Master degree in Business Administration (MBA), and is a fellow member of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (FCPA), a fellow member of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (FTIHK), a fellow member of The Association of International Accountants (FAIA), a fellow member of Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP), member of The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors (HKAFA) & member of The Association of Chinese Internal Auditors (ACIA).